
I’m a developer and software quality consultant at CQSE GmbH. I’m also a teacher and student of Software Engineering topics in general. My activities include university-level courses, Code Retreats, the blog Academics Code, the YouTube channel Let’s Developer, and individual consultancy.

I did PhD with Mira Mezini at the Software Technology Group at TU Darmstadt, researching developer-assistance tools, bug detection, mining software repositories, and software testing. I continue to do research on techniques that assist developers in assuring software quality.

I contribute to the following open source projects:

  • I am the project lead of MUBench, an open source automated benchmark for API-misuse detectors, i.e., tools that identify incorrect or non-optimal usages of APIs in program code.
  • I am the project lead of MUDetect, an API-misuse detector.
  • I was a core contributor to the KaVE Software Campus project, in which we built a developer-assistance tool that helps developers learn and use third-party APIs quickly and correctly in their work.

I received the following awards:

I served on the following committees: